May Allah Bless You at This World and Eternity After Life

Sabtu, 17 September 2011

Paten Banget deh

Haha, sebenarnya apa yang saya dapatkan ketika pertama kuliah pertama kali di polban sangat liar biasa. Kesempatan yang sangat luar biasa yang timbul dalam pemikiran saya mulai mendadak dating dan menghantui dalam kehidupan kampus. Yah, biasalah maba yang baru masuk universitas masih teringat akan kebiasaan anak sma yang memiliki impian untuk bebas dan menghindar dari tugas. Dengan membawa tas kesekolah dan balik atau pulang saja sangat dipuji oleh guru ketika di sma sangat ironi. Namun, ketika saya masuk pertama kali kuliah sangatlah berbeda sekali dengan apa yang saya alami ketika di sma. Kegiatan saya di kampus pun mulai padat dan dipenuhi oleh beragam aktifitas. Seperti aktifitas dalam kelas yang dipenuhi oleh banyak praktek dan kerja di lab. Selain itu pula banyak sekali tugas yang diberikan dosen kepada mahasiswa. Wah, tidaklah aneh jika saya menghadapi itu dengan badan agak pegal dan mata sedikit memejam. Karena tidak semua orang tahu bahwa saya pulang pergi ke dari rumah sampai kampus membutuhkan waktu sekitar 1 jam. Apalagi jaraknya itu sekitar 16 kilometer. Dosen yang ketika memberikan tugas mulai mendadak hati menjadi kaget. Tapi kan itu semua kenyataan yang harus dihadapi dan tidak mungkin kenyataan yang sudah dilalui di masa lalu terjadi di masa sekarang. Mahasiswa itu berbeda dengan siswa yang punya banyak waktu luang dan bebas dalam mengungkapkan ekspresi hidup. Kita di kampus hanya bisa mengungkapkan ekspresi hidup dengan cara mengabdikan ilmu kita kepada masyarakat dan menghasilkan sesuatu yang lebih berguna. Selain itu, banyak organisasi yang dapat menambah wawasan dan ilmu pengetahuan kita. Kita dapat menyalurkan bakat dan kesenangan kita melalui organisasi. Seperti organisasi dalam Himpunan Mahasiswa Elektro yang dapat menyatukan semua mahasiswa khususnya mahasiswa elektro agar lebih bisa mengenal dan akrab. Juga bertukar ilmu yang dipelajari ketika sudah dosen memberi tugas. Tidaklah sedikit mahasiswa polban yang mendapat juara di tingkat nasional, maupun internasional. Acara ini didukung oleh PKM. Yaitu program kreatifitas mahasiswa yang mengarahkan mahasiswa untuk menciptakan sesuatu alat yang berguna untuk mensejahterakan masyarakat secara luas juga menyalurkan minat mahasiswa khususnya di bidang teknologi.

So, Dengan menjadi mahasiswa kita dituntut untuk mendapatkan arti yang berguna , menemukan jati diri kita dan mendapakan suatu kesempatan luar biasa agar kita dapat menelaah kembali tujuan kita hidup. Mencoba untuk terus menabung kegagalan dan bangkit, saya yakin tidak ada yang tidak mungkin ketika kita menggapai cita-cita. Juga bersakit-sakitlah dahulu ketika kita ingin mendaki puncak Everest sama halnya dengan menjadi mahasiswa, bersakit-sakitlah dahulu ketika kita ingin menggapai mimpi.

Kamis, 08 September 2011

The Silver Light (Short Story)

this picture is taken from call of duty modern warfare 2

Once upon a time, all the people in the city in Palestine who call Gaza was tired, exchausted, and starving because of war. There are dejected and distressed to the country who love dispeaceful. The city was broken down and full of smoked. The glory of seed happiness no more positive thought standing in this country.
In different place in the world, Andy was Army in the Massachusetts academy who knows everything about the places in Gaza and also the story about his wife. He comes from Indonesia and he’s the real Indonesian people. He got the scholarship army to United States and he live in there for the five years. Andy ever comes to Gaza becomes a rifleman, grenades launcher, tank guns people to fight the Israel army who destroyed Gaza.
For a several years later, Stefan was a man in USA who learned to be army in Nationality of Massachusetts. Stefan is Andy’s friend and of course they had together learned in the same school army. The army choose examination in order of their school. Standing close to the major is not an easy one. They always strong enough to obedient the major in these school so their worked hard. Stefan knowing that he could travel to Palestine becomes rescue army. This is heartens job and himself which want to do. Christie is Stefan’s fiancée who lived in Gaza. Christie is American people same as Stefan. But she was pity to her friends and family who was born down upon accident which attack done by Israel army so she moved into this city and help them to made their live rise again. Not only that, Christie love moslem culture and made her move to moslem.
Stefan had a duty to be rescue army in Gaza city who fell down and destroyed because of American Army. Andy trying to reached this people and to made sure that he was love this country. “Should we do this to stop the American people?” Stefan looked into Andy’s face with uncertain word. “Yes, the brave and the best hearth of people to help those citizen will make go always give us the best place afterlife.” The sounds of great people line up into his ears and made him strong enough to get up from seated. “We should do the best before it’s too late my friend and I know it’s hard for me to believe that, but the moslem people should not be punished like that. No one of them are terrorist.  I think the cruelty to moslem people must be stop!” Andy looked into his eye and Andy had seen a thousand stars believeness even Stefan not moslem. “Israel doesn’t want to do like this, but there perforced to because their place has been taken to Palestine people.”
The training day has been over. Then, they will went to Gaza city for the next three day. The Massachusetts army must got everything that they need as do as they can. Stuff army, guns, grenade, and other simpliefied on the pane. “Are you ready for help these people now?” “Hura !! , we always ready for the truth and get to over these wars !”. The major army was awesome and bold.
When the trip was over, they standing on the ground between Gaza and Israel country. They had seen many great people in there, from rescue want to help the people to victim who was patiently approve their fate. Andy remembered his wife standing in front of building who was seen there in the last. His wife is a nurse to help Gaza victims. But, the fate has no looking for, the Altilery bomb was destroyed the building and made it collapse. His wife trying to help the people in front of building but it’s too late and at least one hundred people was died and also his wife.
Stefan knowing that Andy was sorrowed about his experience in the past, but who knows destiny will comes? Nothing.
Andy and Stefan had been given a duty to save family who trapped above building in the north Gaza. So, they are scatter and split-ups. Andy trying to fight the American army with some special guns and Stefan will save the family. When Andy peeps at the opposite of building to ascertain is safe, he was hear an eruption voice at behind of building. It was Israel army and the guns on their hand leads into him. He ran up and hides in front of big trees and made sure that the place is safe. But, one more time the voice guns are made his ear stiffener and just a few seconds then his legs bleed and he can’t do anymore. With the hand are bleed he throwing the grenade into Israel army and BOOM. Everything is destroyed and also the army.
In the different places, Stefan ran up into the top of building to ascertains the family safe. When he opened the door, he was seen Christie with her mother captured by Israel army. “Hey brother, what will you do now, safe the family or you die in here with the fuckin’ Palestine people? You will not refuses this.” The Israel army talked to him with low voices. The woman who used cowl is a Christie and her mother too. “You wanna kill this people? If you could, fight me first!”. The bullet floats from Stefan guns, but the young man who was Israel army are refrain. “Go on! Get out of here there’s a place who safe below there!” Stefan screamed to Christie. And a few seconds later, Andy shot and got down. “Fools people, you wanna be a hero for Palestine? Haha, never!” Andy hurt and down on the floor, the blood trickled and his chest are perforated. “Allah will give me miracles, please my lord. Give a chance for kill this damn people.” Andy remembered Allah and he took a pistols from his pocket. The pistols leads into the young man head army. “BLAAR” The bullet patch in his head. But Stefan over a barrel. At once, Christie come to the room and saw Stefan dying but he still conscious. “Stef, I hear you that you talk with Allah, Allah will proud to you . .” Christie embraces his body and sorrow hardly seen in her face. The tears fall into his face and the situation so sorrowful. “Christie, I saw silver light was come to my body and I hear Allah talked to me, Allah was helped me too” Stefan word is unable to explain. “Christie, if Allah call me can you takes care Andy and together all along time with your live?” Christie was surprised when she hears Stefan’s talked. “Stefan, I will do everything what you want whilst it’s change my live and prohibited by Allah. Follow my words. Ashaduallailahaillahwaashaduannamuhammadarasullulah” “Laillahailallah”.
And when the few second later Stefan was died……….

The Ends

Rabu, 07 September 2011


Yeah, this is the way that I heard from the nightmare trouble. Everything is change and going dark. Maybe the sun has doesn’t show the light. Not at all, every time making composition from the role of protagonist becomes antagonist. Standing close to the future is not the easy one. The globalization about human behavior has seen more than dangerous. Technology has changed everything and the theory about atom (the most small particle in the universe I think) has revealed and make untrusted to the peaceful in the earth. The wavelength fulfills on the air, the radiation about sunlight has increasingly fearful. Oh my, this is called doomsday or this is the beginning from all civilization. Yes, the century has changed and human become savage.
“Wake up idler! Do you know that it’s time to go to school” mother grouses. “Ah, I think I can finish this business in my dream so let me sleep just for a minute”. “Okay if you try to do this, In other time don’t ever asking money from me okkkkkk!” “Oh I fear, ok I will go!”

In the other side of the world there lived the teenage whose not care about everything going to him. Naughty, crazy, lazy, but calm. This is the king of the darkness kingdom. The land that we stand up right now is going crash if we together standup with this people olala. His name is George and he always  going to school at 7 AM. Yes, it’s because of his mother who always waking up him in the early morning. He in a class grade 2 and on senior high school.  When George came up to his class he prepared to make believe to himself that he can do the examination. Every final examination he always got A sometimes A+. Wow, it couldn’t believe that he is a smart boy. But, he just always crazy likes a dancing goat. He is naughty boy and often hanging out with gang in the other side of town. He does a kind of cortege every night. And forgets his own mother who has been old and week. He driving his motorcycle around town even, he visits the bar and looking for fight to save the member of his gang. Skipping school is become everyday habits for this boy. Yea, this is fact. But the mistake that he has do it’s just wind past when he thinking about.

When afternoon has come and everything is going dark. He come home and seeing his mother sit down in the corner of the room. Cold, the breath was releases the warm air from his nose so when the people see this air it’s just smoke who taking up aqueous vapour.  His mother had just remembered about him. But the boy had not realized that. He always walking up and don’t care about everything going to his mother.  The globalization has changed him became wild people and the technology made him forget about his mother’s love. Even the boy had a genius mind and got an A+ when he finished the examination but his mother always thinking about him. He forgets about the positive side about praying to god so on his live he couldn’t have breathed easily. And cannot got amazing happiness on his life.

In the morning, he think about that and come back to the light of happiness. He knew that the happiness is not we can take only from wealth and mundane but he just can bringing that from sharing love together with family and remember about god. When it came back to his life and wake up in early morning, he wanted to changed his life became better again and again. He always not late when he went to school and not hanging out with his gang friends even he perforced to be beated. He shall no longer argue with his mother sometimes he bringing his mother to the doctor if his mother have a complication to her ill. He do it again in the next day continuously when the past time is gone. And for the next month, he saw the greatness about his mother eyes. He can’t believe that his mother had a greatest time all of his live. His mother came to him in the afternoon and embraces him. “I know that you’ve find your way to take care about this, you have saved my live my son. The happiness has come and stayed on your soul. You’ve become hero of yourself. Let god reciprocates your kindness my son.” The tears fall towards the mother cheeks. And it’s the first time that he listening her mother words of kindness. The radiation about energy of happiness has come and in the standing close to the faith is not always easy.

In the night when he wanted get to sleep, he remembered about mother’s word and start thinking about it. “I knew about my mistake and let’s god caring me to staying on this soul. Maybe I can’t live as good as the others but I have a reason to live. So, my god please forgives me for all my crimes”. When he thinking about that he seeing dazzling light and someone comed to him. “Follow me my boy, I will show you the way that you have never sees before. He complicated and abrupt when someone is coming, but he can’t do nothing besides followed him. When he arrived in the places that he don’t know, he seeing a thousand of amazing view. The water, trees, butterfly which flying to the flower, and much more that he never seen before. He wanted asked to people which has brought him to this place. But, he’s gone and disappeared. “You’re ion my place boy”. Someone has talking about but he didn’t know who was talking. “Who are you? And why I am brought to this place?. “You’re the faith people even you just do the crimes. You are in my heaven the most faith place in the universe. And you brought here with my assistance that is angel". At once, the tears fall down from his eyes.

Senin, 29 Agustus 2011

The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Dreams (lyric)

One, Two
I don't know if I can take this back
Dug this hole way too deep (Wa-oh)
Feel like I'm heading towards a heart attack
I pray my soul to keep (Wah-Oh)

I feel like I am the only one out here who cares
Please prove me wrong.

Come on, Come on,
Send a message of hope
It seems, we're going no where
Come on come on
I can't carry this love (load?) alone
Will you prove me wrong?

Cause in my dreams it's you I see
I can't do this alone

So many times we're told to hold our tongues
Nobody wants the truth (Wa-oh)
This fire's burning out of our control
But we didn't light the fuse (Noooo)

I feel like I am the only one out here who cares
Please prove me wrong

Come on, Come on,
Send a message of hope
It seems, we're going no where
Come on come on
I can't carry this love (load?) alone
Will you prove me wrong?

Cause in my dreams, it's you I see
I can't do this alone

I'm not perfect, that I know
But I still fight, Not giving up
I’m not giving up (I can't do this on my own)
Maybe I'll find someone who knows
How to stand and fight
Not giving up
(I can't do this on my own)
I’m Not Giving up
(I can’t do this on my own)

Come on, Come on,
Send a message of hope
It seems, we're going no where
Come on come on
I can't carry this love (load?) alone
Will you prove me wrong?

Cause in my dreams it's you I see
In my dreams, it's you I see
I can't do this alone.

I can't do this alone
I can't do this alone
I can't do this alone

Jumat, 26 Agustus 2011

Kasih Sayang


Sebagai untuhan kata yang saya buat hari ini.. Hanyalah kasih sayang yang dapat memberikan segalanya.. Seorang ibu yang memberikan pujangga yang terbaik untuk buah kasih sayangnya.. Pentinglah kasih sayang bagi manusia jika diberikan tanda yang + dan tanda 0k3… Semua yang terjadi dalam hidup ini tidaklah terbelah dari Kasih sayang. Mengingat hari sabtu kemarin adalah hari valentine tidak berarti ucapan kata ini hanya untuk satu makna .. bukankah kita tahu bahwa setiap orang terlahir dengan kasih sayang,, seorang kekasih yang membutuhkan  kasih sayang,, seorang anak yang membutuhkan perlindungan dan kasih sayang,, seorang guru yang memberikan kasih sayang kepada muridnya, teman yang memberikan kasih sayang pada kita, bahkan hewan dan tumbuhan pun membutuhkan kasih sayang manusia..Ingatlah di dalam otak. Bahwa kasih sayang itu kita butuhkan setiap waktu yang terus mengikuti jarum merah yang berdetik..


Perkenalkan nama saya Billy Mulyana. Saya adalah seseorang yang biasa tetapi insya Allah luar biasa dalam hati. Hehe. Saya menyukai beragam hal yang menarik seperti ibadah kepada Allah, Saya sangat tenang dan senang sekali bisa melakukan apa yang harus saya lakukan. Karena dengan beribadahlah segala sesuatu dalam hidup saya menjadi indah biarpun dalam serba kekurangan dan apapun yang kita mau di dunia maupun di akhirat selalu Allah kabulkan dengan syarat kita khusyu dalam sholat, dan meminta dengan sungguh-sungguh juga berusaha mendapatkan apa yang kita harapkan (jangan gampang putus asa), selain itu saya menyukai bertualang, musik seni, dan referensi buku-buku seperti novel, ilmiah, cerpen, tutorial, training, psikologi, humor,dan lain-lainlah. Membaca buku menambah wawasan dan mengubah pola pikir menjadi lebih baik, bahkan dapat mengubah prilaku kita sehari-hari yang dulunya mungkin berwatak garang tetapi setelah membaca buku yang menyentuh akan mengubah watak menjadi lembut :P.  Musik saya yang suka juga banyak tetapi saya hanya memilih jenis lagu yang menurut saya gaya lagunya itu bersemangat, dan membangkitkan semangat walaupun sedih. Hmmm, biasanya lagu barat, lagu rohani dan sedikit lagu Indonesia (Hehe maaf lagu Indonesia itu selalu cengeng karena cinta, atau diputus pacar, oleh karena itu saya sangat anti, maaf sekali lagi itu hanya menurut pendapat saya : ) ) biasanya kalau sedang bosan atau punya semangat ingin sekali mendengarkan lagu. Selain itu saya menyukai menyendiri, haha maksud saya bukan menyendiri ngurung di kamar gara2 ada sesuatu ya tetapi saya tidak terlalu banyak berbicara dengan orang banyak mungkin karena personality saya memang seperti ini. Untuk bertualang biasanya saya dengan teman-teman SMA dan lain2 suka mendaki  gunung karena menurut saya itu adalah suatu tantangan yang luar biasa bagi saya dan sekaligus menambah spirit dalam jiwa yang sudah dingin dan kelam. Oh iya, saya juga punya cita-cita yang besar yaitu ingin sekali menaikkan ibu dan bapa haji, insya Allah kalau di masa depan nanti saya sukses, saya ingin berjalan dan berjuang di jalan Allah biarpun saya harus meninggalkan keluarga dan sanak saudara saya, saya ingin bisa selamat dunia maupun akhirat, dan satu lagi saya ingin kuliah di Perancis untuk S2,. Amin Ya Robbal Alamin mudah-mudahan cita-cita saya itu terwujud saya hanya berharap dukungan dari kalian teman-teman. Oke, Sekian teman-teman, mudah-mudahan kalian bisa terinspirasi dari bacaan yang saya tulis di blog ini. Keep enthusiasm to make sure your dreams come true.

one stones added one water

“Taka, apakah anda memiliki kebiasaan buruk ketika anda menduduki sebuah kursi yang bercat putih dan memiliki kelembaban yang lebih dari yang engkau tampakan dalam mulutmu? Dan memandang kami dengan kata-kata hitam yang kelam, masam dan gelap segelap malam ? Kapan engkau dapat menuntun pola, rasa, masa, dan kassa yang didalamnya  dapat menggapai apa yang kami inginkan.” Ayolah, jangan membuat kami marah segeram macan yang akan menerkammu sekuat baja dan akan menusukmu dari belakang secara diam-diam.  saya yakin anda memliki kebiasaan itu hampir setiap anda menjajaki keringnya daun yang terpana ketika terlihat katak melompat dan cacing bergeliat di tanah yang penuh dengan pola bentuk yang mampat. “Tak, kami tidak memandangmu sebagai manusia condong yang berbondong menuju jalan yang oblong. Kami hanya menginginkanmu menuntun jarring-jaring kebinasaan yang membawa ikan-ikan kecil menuju kesengsaraan. Pernahkan kau lihat wahai sanubari tertinggi bangsa bahwasanya kami telah terjuntai oleh makian kasarmu dan perihnya batu-batu tajam yang telah kau lemparkan kepada kami. Tampaklah warna pucat melintas dalam angan yang panjang dan merunduk kepada alam baka yang kusam. Rasakanlah jutaan penyakit yang dibawa oleh bakteri ketika mereka menggerogoti tubuh lemas kami ini yang tiada terbungkus oleh apapun selain tulang dan kulit. Hujan batu telah kami lewati dan peluru-peluru telah menembus jiwa kami, darah telah menetes dari tubuh ini. Camkan perkataan kami wahai sanubari tertinggi bangsa!. Tanah yang kita pijak bersama, nikmat yang telah Allah berikan kepadamu dan kepada kami, bangsa yang tercinta ini bahkan tongkat pun menjadi tanaman mengapa, mengapa kami masih bergelimang oleh pekatnya kesengsaraan! Apa jadinya apabila bangsa yang kaya ini, tergerus oleh keserakahanmu dan dunia melihat kami. Kami malu, sungguh malu wahai sanubari bangsa. Ketika pohon beringin sudah berubah menjadi kayu kecil, ketika hewan sudah berubah menjadi tulang benulang, ketika emas yang terpendam sudah berubah menjadi tanah kosong, ketika rakyat yang kau bilang saudara dan keluarga sudah berubah menjadi musuhmu. Tidakkah kau lihat wahai sanubari tertinggi bangsa, mau kau jadikan apa kami?? Apakah kau mau jadikan kami sebagai pohon yang tumbang? Apakah kau mau jadikan kami bagaikan hewan yang sudah menjadi tulang benulang atau engkau mau jadikan kami musuhmu? Wahai sanubari tertinggi bangsa, lihatlah bahwa engkau tidak akan tercipta bila tidak ada kami. Di masa yang akan datang jadikanlah perilakumu meluruskan harkat dan martabat kami. Tidakkah jikalau terjadi peperangan di bangsa tercinta ini kita akan berjuang bersama? Atau mati bersama? Kita adalah sama wahai sanubari tertinggi bangsa kita adalah saudara. Saudara satu padu bangsa Indonesia. Jangan biarkan saudaramu ini termakan oleh waktu. Luruskan niatmu untuk meraih cita2 bangsa bukan untuk meraih kepentinganmu sendiri. Dan niatkan cita2mu wahai sanubari tertinggi bangsa hanya untuk Allah , Tuhan Seru Sekalian Alam. “ :)))

Untuk Pejabat Tertinggi Bangsa …


Tak ada yang mengalahkan kekuatan mimpi………..
Sekalipun kau gerat jiwa ini dengan pisau yang telah kau asah…
Tetaplah tenang dan rasakan hangatnya malam..
Tetaplah menang dan katakan tidak pada kesunyian kegelapan yang meredam..
Anganku menggeliat di dalam jiwa.
Rasaku menetes disetiap dinginnya embun..
Takkan pernah ku tes seluruh jiwaku ini yang tambun.
Dan takan kubiarkan tanaman itu kering di kebun.
Jadikan malammu malam yang anggun
Ketika kau tertidur lelap
Tetaplah kau akan mengusap
Yah mengusap angan dan berkasmu untuk kau taklukan
Sekalipun gunung tertinggi
Biarpun lautan yang luas
Takkan pernah pecahku untuk menggapainya
Sampai anganku ini tercipta nyata………

MY ASPIRATION FOR MY FUTURE ----------------- COME TRUE----------------------------PLEASE--------------

First, I want change my life and stand us with my mind. I remember my experience when I 3th grades in junior high school. When I faces national test to  continue my study to senior high school ,  I am start a some fearless in my mind. All of this thing can make me down and snubbing from my friend. I fell sadness and worry If my aspiration can’t come true.  And, I think that my aspiration will lose and brought by bad mind. “Please billy, don’t let me down and keep your spirit on. Your journey is so far away from now. I HAVE AN ASPIRATION. Your life is so strong. Don’t hear a little piece of abuse from my friend. Keep unshakeable at your position now”, I said in my heart. I can’t do anything when the story is come. But I just can pray to God or ‘ALLAH’. I know that I can’t live without friends. I must thanks to Allah because Allah gives everything that I want. Many friends had changed me. And I knew that it wouldn’t stop my struggle. In senior high school, friend is the one that I want. And I think that we can move forward this state if we do the small things. One that we can do is make friends happy and keep them in our mind. Yes, we lives in this world is not alone. And if we trying to make thing the first that we can get help is friend. And one that I want say is “DON’T LOOSE YOUR FRIENDS AND TAKES CARE OF THEM DON’T HURT THEM OK” :)

Darahmu, Darahku Juga Palestina…

Kipas takkan pernah berhenti berdayung demi keselarasannya, Suak Ruak bunyi terdengar keruntayannya demi mendapatkan horizontal arah yang paling takjub dan benar.. Lihatlah mata mu.. yang paling mendalam Pernahkah untaian hidup ini dialami oleh mahkluk lain di dzakat raya? Benarkah pertanyaanku ini dapat menumpas seluruh kekesalanku pada Negara Terdzolim di jagat raya ini? Kuakui seluruh hidupku takkan pernah berarti bagi mereka selain jiwa ragaku yang lemah ini dapat memberikan gejolak cahaya lava yang membeku menjadi batu.. Cahaya Cinta……
Cinta.. Bukan saja kita pertontonkan pada Pria atau Wanita yang kita cintai. Tapi Lihatlah.. Sunyi di kota jiran memberikan arti bahwa kita harus mendalamkan cinta ini pada keluarga kita di negeri jiran yang tertimpa oleh kesadisan peluru tentara iblis.. Saudara bukanlah saudara… Beranikah!!!!! kalian untuk merubah kata saudara menjadi keluarga? Inilah ketulusan seseorang demi mendapatkan segenggam cinta yang tidak cuma diperlihatkan sucinya cinta tetapi bagaimana kita dapat perlihatkan kepada mereka begitu besarnya dan begitu tulusnya pengorbananku kepadamu Palestina..
Andai,, sebuah cahaya dari maha dzat suci Allah swt, dapat memberikan kipas kesejukan kepada diri ini, begitu ronta-rontanya diri ini melihat sebuah keajaiban dari sang Maha Penguasa..
Runtaian Peluru..
Runtaian Darah..
Runtaian Mayat..
Takkan pernah engkau sekali-kali menyembah Tuhanku, Lalu Kemanakan Tuhanmu jika engkau tidak menyembah Tuhanmu sendiri? Sadarkah engkau Israel.
Keajaiban takkan pernah datang kepadamu.. Ingatlah. Jangan sekali-kali kau musnahkan saudaraku.. Jangan pernah kau sakiti imanmu sendiri.. Pelepah pisang yang engkau perlihatkan kepada dunia ini takkan pernah membanggakan siapapun .. Ingatlah Allah berada disisi kita..
Beratus sayap cinta yang tak berdosa mengalir deras menuju alam baka, Ceceran darah menandakan bahwa dunia ini sangat membanggakanmu Palestina,
Karena Darahmu, darahku juga Palestina…